Our Responsibility: The Future of Humanity
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Ervin Laszlo – The Tulum Proclamation
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We, of NetSpirit, The Club of Budapest, and The Laszlo Institute, are dedicated to be the vanguard of the change we need on this planet. We know that crisis is both danger and opportunity. The danger is to fail to lift our eyes from the ground in front of our feet, and to allow the gathering storm of conflict and destruction spell the end of civilization. The opportunity is to rediscover who we are, and recognize how we fit into the web of life on this planet.
The new paradigm—the paradigm of cosmos and consciousness emerging at the cutting edge of the sciences—combines the latest discoveries in the empirical sciences with the timeless wisdom of the great spiritual traditions. Recognizing and living this paradigm is the key to our wellbeing, our life, and our future. It is a beacon that illuminates the bonds that link us to each other, and to all living things on this planet. We are not strangers on the Earth, but expressions of the trend that unfolds in the universe. We are evolved expressions of the force that joins the proton and the neutron to form the nucleus of the atom, and attracts electrons to build complex atoms—and atoms to build molecules and molecules and cells to create living organisms. That force is in us. It “in-forms” every cell of our brain and of our body.
If we go with evolution, with the force that is in us, we become whole and healthy. We strive for cooperation and not for cooperation. We aspire to be whole rather than to be first. We live healthy, eat healthy, and intend health and wellbeing for others. We are coherent as consumers and as producers, as communicators and as conscious global citizens—knowing that our actions, and even our intentions, have an effect on the world. Going with the force of evolution every breath we take, every action we undertake, is inspired by a striving for coherence within us, and coherence with the world around us … by the striving for supercoherence.
We know what we need to do: every conscious person does. Now we need to bring up the will to act on what we know. We need to muster the will to strive for supercoherence, knowing that on the effective presence of this will depends our wellbeing, and the wellbeing of the human family.
The danger that faces us is real, and it is imminent. But so is the opportunity that not only averts the danger, but uses it as the fulcrum on which to build a humane and sustainable world.
We are the vanguard of evolution in this corner of the universe, and we cannot let that evolution come to an untimely end. We can, and when joining together with likeminded people as we do today, we will be the change we need in the world.
November, 2017
Our mission is to create and widely spread the prerequisites for a present and future where people acquire a universal life philosophy that enables them to adjust their diet and lifestyle as it best serves their own interest, as well as supports the environment and the planet at the same time.










“The Universal Declaration of Living Planet’s Rights”
This way, a unified, legal adjustment fund will be ensured for the legal system of governments, which enables the regulation of our own laws according to similar principles.
It’s impossible to make order on our planet, until it happens, because everyone understands environmental protection, sustainable development and also climatic issues according the own interests. Current situation can be so characterized by deregulation, which possibly turns even into chaos, if situation remains the same. Actually, this is the most important arrangement, which have to be understood by the world’s leaders as soon as possible, in case they really want to take care of the future.
It’s no more time for postpone!
Each individuals has the own interest, not to miss the personal contribution to subsistence of nature and also humanity in these harsh times.

Living organisms continue their existence according to the rules of nature. Each living organism works more or less in virtue of physics and chemistry, the human body as well. Different creatures are in coherent connection through nutritional nest, generating a self-regulating ecosystem. The function of human body is ensured by inferior organisms, nutrition and also other living conditions are produced by them. These processes work in a complex, softly regulated system.
Due to their lifestyle people run counter to these laws, so as results there are diseases inside the organism on one hand, on the other hand they destroy their own environment.
Considering, that sick people and society cannot liv happily and they are eve unable to reach their goals, satisfaction of the responsibilities and mission as a result of human quality is also impossible. Their abilities cannot develop and the person itself will be unsuccessful. In order to survival people are forced to take immoral, unethical actions. They exploit each other’s and earth’s resources. Beside these people get into conflicts, hostile and war witch each other.
Order can be temporarily maintained only by police force in such a society, in which it’s impossible to count on the individuals’ moral and ethical values. That’s easy to see, Human Rights cannot be enforced in such circumstances.
Those, who do not care about their natural environment and tend to several diseases become insulated. They cannot be part of a healthy family, nation and even mankind.
Because of the fundamental breaches of law, the human species, especially welfare society can be regarded as a common criminal and parasite in nature’s point of view, human nobility of mankind cannot prevail.
Mankind (particularly modern civilization causing problems) have to restore its relationship with nature based on mutual benefits. We need to get into unity with ourselves and our planet as well and basically we have to look after our further development.

Jurisdiction of the governments have to base on natural laws, in order to stop harmful human issues. No executive power can be successful on long term, provided if jurisdiction enables the destroy of nature. Governments have the moral obligation to maintain society’s health and also ensures sustainable settings for health and bodily-mentally welfare as well.
Only natural laws can be as unitedly acceptable common ground in everybody’s conscience, because all the things create indirectly our own bodily health. Human organism consists of the same atoms and molecules as any other creatures. Human body works therefore integrated into nature. These are quite concrete facts, against any kind of philosophical ideology and moral viewpoints, which we can agree or refuse according to subjective taste or cultural view. Whatever faith people have, our body works according to the same principles.
Laws regulating the operation of human body and also nature is the common ground of each human.
Ideology or idea, which withhold above mentioned fact is untruthful and – people’s enemy.
International advocacy has been in progress since decades, in order to ensure this decree in the UN, however it’s failed because of blindfold opposite interests with distorted values and hunger for profit.
The reasons are the followings: the petitions were formally and contently not adequate for introducing into the jurisdiction. On the other hand, forces of betterment intentions created not enough prestige and mass to enforce their will against current interests. Thirdly, environmental protection groups also debate with each other, inspire of cooperation. Additionally, society’s collective consciousness was not enough enlightened to recognize the importance of agreement in sufficient number. Every initiatives gulp into impossible missions until these reasons exist.
However present situation is different. The majority of people realizes, that current state is unsustainable and it’s time for change. They also would like to do something for making things better, however they do not consider their individual acts as enough efficient. In their point of view, they represent too little factors in order to have a society shaping importance. The IT development of our time and global information flow offers new chances.
Our objective is to establish an organization, which is able to unify individual and smaller-bigger efforts working as separately into a common force with international advocacy and create is into such critical mass, which is able to consummate this issue far ahead.
“Everything is connected”

Considering that protection and maintenance of environment, in a wider sense environmental protection of a country cannot be accomplished, until neighborhood behaves disorderly. Therefore, we should think about a planet-level solution, even if we have local environmental protection as an aim.
In our opinion, world’s status is enough mature to establish such a viable organization, which really enables to bring and introduce this unified international environmental and health protection agreement for the UN.
This is a method of real practicing for future generation’s wellbeing and outstrip a better world than we lived in.
Lots of people have the desire, doing something about a better world. But what can they do? Many of them outlines such thoughts like „I’m only a single person, so what could I do for change?
People have the power to do for the world according to their abilities. They would like to act, but if they feel themselves alone, they do not dare to express their intentions and get into the act.
In itself nobody and nothing can stay alive, only by joining and cooperation with each other
Normally people seeking after health are disposed to recognize, they exist not only for themselves but also try to make their companions and environment healthy. So individual can contributes to world.
This independent, non-profit organization was established not because of repeatedly criticism of current system, it rather combines effectively and organizes the efforts and sources of individuals and organizations wanting to act into a common interest-matching force in the interest of improving the conditions.
Criticism itself does not bring change. We can only reach change, if community awareness changes. Let’s not only say, what the others should do, but we personally have to take an action.
This can be realized by collecting financial sources and integration of human resources. Due to professional administration and effective interest-matching force we can obtain the construction based onto natural laws of international and governmental jurisdiction. Human lifestyle is always confronted with nature, until its own rules and regulations are in accordance with nature, so the existence of a peacefully, developing civilization is impossible.
25th May 2018

We are pleased to inform you, the international organization called “Planetary Alliance for Life” will be established on 25th May 2018, in Hungarian Academy of Science on the initiative of prof. Ervin László (one of the biggest international scientists in our lifetime worth of recognition – http://ervinlaszlo.com), as well as László Répászky (futurist – free-thinking and independent researcher).
Many other authoritative scientists, academicians and professors have already joined to the initiative.
Together with them we unitedly declare in the interest of establishment of the future. We take an action, together with acknowledged businessmen, representatives of social organizations as well as future building „world-changing” youngsters of fantastic awareness.
Reaching changes with violence is impossible in these times we live in. The destructive weapon arsenal is so huge, that it would end in final cataclysm. We can only trust in gentle, but effective shaping of ideas, which rules all the acts.
We came to turn. Our world will either die, or we will able to rise up. Mankind was never is such situation like this.
However, we can determine direction. This will be mankind’s most essential turn, like industrial revolution as an example, but only if we join forces.
For the first time, individuals can be a knowingly acting part of such change of great consequence.
The event will be followed also by the international press.

This will be a comprehensive conservation, climate and life protection, international convention, which governments integrate in their jurisdiction. These regulations will be found in agriculture, industry, production of food, health care and education. This is the base of ethically functioning society, as each individuals, family and company operate in the interest of a common goal: building of the truly sustainable, healthy future.
Reaching positive change is the main goal. The more people recognize the importance of following natural laws, these positive changes will lead us through dining and lifestyle to the wildlife of the whole planet.
Conventions such as “Parisian Climate Agreement”, “Carbon-dioxide Quota Convention” And another international, environmental conservation conventions seem to worth not much. They are unable to ransom the desired improving effect.
Except some countries, the human rights treaty is even not completely observed by the others. Why should it be done by the governments due to a simple agreement?
Why don’t personally rights enforce? Because the so called civil liberties are not rights of material nature, they refer to recognition the liberty of human soul and spirit. However human body is also material considering its features. The mentally part continues its function as existing in a body here on earth and because of this it came under the force of natural laws. Human abilities cannot unfold resp. civil liberties are not able to prevail, until natural laws are violated. Diseases, as a result of the unconscious violation on nature and primitive thinking are one of the main reasons of the bodily disorders, which are spiraling into mental anguish.
How can an enforceable convention be concluded, if parties do not agree with the meaning of certain terms? For example, the word “nature” has totally different meaning for a Buddhist, Hinduist, Mohammedan, Christian and materialist person. Merely it’s enough to the non-establishment of a convention, which contains the word „nature”, because everyone will interpret it differently. Nature implies for a materialist person mostly just phenomena and things perceives by body sensations. Whilst a Hinduist catch it as a unified energetic system, which means not only physically material and energy, but also metaphysical – transcendental – energy.
Ergo, what is the basic reason of current chaos experienced on the planet?
It’s very simple: the lack of knowledge, resp. the confidence in incorrect knowledge.
Because of repeatedly failures, our mission seems to be impossible. We may think, we have to stand up against too big lobby interests.
However, if we do nothing, what will it have as aftermath?
People will have the opportunity to do for the future!
It’s time for disclosure of those bucking against this initiative! People agitating, protesting against this aim or are just strikingly skeptical can be regarded, they serve only their selfish interests, flouting other’s welfare and health.
If we do not accept natural laws or affirm its importance, we ultimately ignore it. With our idle omission we ourselves become coward accomplices and let intemperate people to do everything with them – and also with us – to their will.
Everyone is in a position to change their attitude of mind. If you do it in time, you can practice your influence really responsibly. In another case, it has to go.

Unfortunately, we must admit, human race has become cancerous on earth. There are no differences between civilization’s actions and malignant cell proliferation inside an organism.
Like cancer is caused mostly by viruses in order to modify the cells’ genetic material, so modify humans the genetics of living organisms as a virus, so proliferates industrial agriculture in nature as an example.
What does earth do? (It’s just an interesting theory, however it may be true.) If bacteria come into your organism, it rises its temperature, making environment unfavorable for them. Higher temperature, i.e. fever does not favour for bacteria’s metabolism, so organism make itself unbearable for the invader, whereon it gets ill and ruin. Similar can be observed on earth as well. It rises temperature in order to make climate and also condition for life intolerable.
Life science, especially research medicine works almost in the direction to apply synthetic drugs for human illnesses and there’s also a huge research for gene modification, in order to make vulnerable biological body more resistant.
Since basic laws of human body’s operations are unknown, scientific investigations have no other opportunities.
Almost negligible are the researches, which enhance the importance of natural diet and lifestyle in order to supply the organism with all the suitable nutrients, so it can work healthy, quasi prevents illnesses. What’s more, our environment primes crazily with chemicals and gifts, which slowly hamstrings the producing of healthy food.
Organism will be gradually set out of its natural environment by unnatural agents and we generate an artificial life supporting system instead of the original. Despite the astonishing scientific results, is science really ready to change mankind’s live-giving environment developed by nature for billions of years into a safe, artificial one?
Until medicine develops in only this direction, it can prove its efforts with the medical therapies much better on short-term and these scientific facts will also serve as a base of the acceptance such international, bioethical codex, which allows the gene modification of humans and other creatures as human nourishment.
When it occurs, the die will be cast. The international convention giving way to gene modification can be turned back very difficult.
Unfortunately, representatives of natural life harmony do not have an efficiency, scientific trump-card in their hands. If people do not even have the right of choosing, it remains only chemical medicine and gene technologies to choose and become their perpetual appendants. Classical human liberty rights won’t be interpretable any more, considering the fact, conditions for life maintenance go into hands of scientific team controlled by an interest-group.
Establishing this International Organization we want to enable the natural way for medicine, so doctors can finally become real healer.
Whatever is good for your body, is good for the Living Planet

The human race is violating the laws of nature with its lifestyle and has become an enemy of the Living Planet. Most people struggle hopelessly to survive from day to day and live only for themselves and their family. They do not really care about anything else. Modern society regards the natural environment only as consumer goods, exploits it irresponsibly, thereby destroying the biological conditions of existence, the ecosystem- thus finally also the human race itself.

If we can cooperate with others, we are happy, if we cannot, our life will be meaningless. Our ancient bond with nature is clearly apparent from its energy imbuing our body and soul. We can be efficient and capable of living only by adjusting ourselves to the natural environment. We can form our environment also in a favorable manner with our lifestyle, as whatever is truly good for physical health will be suitable for the invigorating environment as well.

The world must be seen as a global unit. The key to our survival is to harmonize our lifestyle with the order of nature. Only a common systemizing principle creates the possibility to unite resources, knowledge and technology, so that technological, civilizational development can proceed in harmony with nature.
We are building a knowledge-based Bridge above the chasm between our current and ideal lifestyle.
On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.


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